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Introducing our exquisite Beaded Amulet Necklace, featuring a radiant solar amulet that connects you to the divine essence of the sun god Ra. Crafted  by our artisans in Saqqara, Egypt with gold and lapis lazuli—a precious stone associated with royalty and celestial protection—this necklace embodies the power of the heavens.


The sun, depicted as a resplendent gold or red disk, symbolizes Ra's magnificence and life-giving energy, often flanked by the wings of a hawk. Adorn yourself with this captivating necklace, where Ra is portrayed as a man with a hawk's head, holding a scepter and the ankh, the symbol of life.

Embrace the mystical allure of lapis lazuli, a stone treasured by the ancient Egyptians and believed to have originated from the heavens, offering protection in the afterlife. Experience the divine significance of this precious stone, with legends describing reanimated kings as the sun god Ra, with flesh of gold, bones of silver, and hair of lapis lazuli.


Wear this Beaded Amulet Necklace, imbued with celestial significance, and connect to the divine powers of Ra, healing energies, and the timeless legacy of ancient Egyptian royalty. Let its captivating charm enhance your journey with protection and celestial blessings as you embrace the mystique of the heavens on your path.

Solar Amulet

29 317,00$Prix
  • •Design of Each Piece: beaded necklace with solar amulet 

    •Symbols Depicted in Each Piece: sun (sun god Ra) 

    •Significance and Symbolism of Precious Stones: gold & lapis lazuli


    The most prominent Ra symbol is the sun, which is usually depicted as a red or gold disk above Ra's head. Sometimes, Ra is actually depicted just as the sun disk flanked by hawk's wings. More commonly, he is a man with a hawk's head. Often, Ra is carrying a scepter and an ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of life.

    Lapis Lazuli has always been associated with royalty and with the cult of the deities. Egyptians believed that the precious stone came from the heavens providing protection in the afterlife. For this reason Lapis Lazuli was used to create beautiful statuettes of deities and amuletic jewelry. Ancient Egyptians also used the precious stone to create blue cosmetics.

    The stone was so highly prized by the Ancient Egyptians that they even afforded it a godly importance. Dead kings in Ancient Egypt were believed to be reanimated as the sun god Ra, who is often described and depicted as having gold flesh, silver bones and Lapis Lazuli hair.

    Lapis Lazuli: This deep blue semi-precious stone was associated with the sky and was believed to have healing properties. It was often used to make jewelry and other decorative objects.

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